So about Saint Arnold Divine Reserve Series...It's a really big deal here in Texas. Definitely highly sought after, and we got a cask of it. (save the applause). Divine Reserve #14 is Belgian Strong Golden Ale brewed with rye, Belgian candi sugar, american hops, and a Belgian Wit yeast strain. What that means to YOU is the beer weighs in a whooping 10%abv with sweet and complex malt notes, followed by rye spice that is accentuated as the beer warms, the hops add subtle citrus and floral that delicately intertwine and play off the Belgian yeast strain.
To sum it up, we're tapping a Divine Reserve 14 Cask and you can't miss it.
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Earlier Event: May 15
Beer & Bingo Night at Box 903
Later Event: May 16
Ranger Creek Pint Night (& day)