With Great Craft Beer Comes Great Responsibility!
The 2014 San Antonio Beer Week is shaping up to be the biggest and best one yet! With events spanning almost 350 square miles of San Antonio and it's surrounding communities the Monks at Monks Toolbox are doing everything they can to make sure the week is safe for you and those around you. They have worked hard to partner with some amazing companies to give you safe and inexpensive travel options while imbibing in the best that San Antonio has to offer! Please enjoy San Antonio Beer Week responsibly! For yourself and those around you PLEASE don't drink and drive!
- The Monks (Zac, Adam & Jeremy)
Lyft is your friend with a car whenever you need one. Use the Lyft app on your smartphone to get friendly, safe, and affordable rides on demand. Sign up today and enter "MonksLyft" in the Payment menu to receive 51 free rides up to $25 per ride! Download at (valid for new users only)
Uber is proud to be partnering with San Antonio Beer Week and is offering all users, new and existing, two FREE rides up to $30 with promo code "SABEERWEEK14". Have Fun, Be Safe, Ride Uber! New to Uber? Sign up today at: (Promo Valid May 10-18, 2014)
San Antonio B-cycle is one of the first large-scale municipal bike sharing systems in the United States. If you are in the downtown San Antonio area for beer week, B-cycle is a great way to get around SA Beer Week! Use the code "6665" to recieve $3 off of a 24 hour pass. Find out more at
**REMEMBER** Biking intoxicated is still considered Driving while Intoxicated. Be Safe San Antonio!!